At Ambleside CE Primary School, geography is taught via four key areas: place knowledge, locational knowledge, human and physical geography, geographical skills and fieldwork. We want our geography curriculum to inspire a genuine interest in both the local area in which they live and the wonders of the wider world beyond. As geography is both a practical and a theoretical subject, we therefore aim to equip our learners with skills that are transferable both in the classroom and outside of it. Whilst closely following the National Curriculum, our curriculum tackles local issues as well as global, in order to raise our children’s awareness of any environmental issues in their local area as well as the wider world. Throughout the curriculum, lessons are carefully tailored to guarantee the appropriate skills are being developed, with the focus being on progression across all year groups. On top of our in-school curriculum, children have the opportunity to participate in overnight residential visits:
- Year 3/4: 1 night Hadrian’s Wall residential – linked to our Romans topic.
- Year 3/4: 1 night York residential – linked to our Victorians and Railways topic
- Year 5/6: 2 night Lakeside YMCA residential - building outdoor and adventure PE skills
- Year 5/6: 2 night London residential - comparison study of an urban city setting compared to our rural location.
Geography at Ambleside is taught from Years 1 – 6. Teachers have identified the key knowledge and skills of each topic, with consideration given to ensuring progression across topics throughout each year group across the school. Before beginning a new topic, children are given the opportunity to express ‘what they already know’ and ‘what they would like to find out’ which subsequently informs teachers’ planning. The local area is fully utilised to achieve desired outcomes, with extensive opportunities for learning outside the classroom embedded in practice.
Children at Ambleside are equipped with a broad and balanced geography curriculum and this is evidenced in their work, both in their geography books and in other subjects through cross-curricular learning. As children progress through school, they develop a deep knowledge and understanding of both human and physical geography and appreciate their local area and its place within the wider geographical context. Regular school trips and residential visits also provide further relevant and contextual learning.